EDU Site

Maslow Exhibition Archive Detail

In Focus: Three Artists from The Maslow Collection

Everhart Museum, Scranton, PA
Jul 15, 1998 - Sep 11, 1998

Works Included

James Biederman
Go-Jo, 1984
Etivaz, 1987
untitled, 1987
untitled, 1988
Albanian Tango, 1990
Broken Flowers, 1992

Robert Cumming
Small Constelation 3, 1987
Red Perceives Only a Bulb in the Outline, 1979
Orbits Down, Eyes Red, 1990
Smooth Mind Suite, 1989 (series of four)
Forefinger of Nature, 1986
Light in the Window, Look to the Floor, 1989
Burning Box #2, 1988
Flame Motif: Plan for Temperature Turn UP, 1989
Industrial Bowl, 1983
Hemisphere, 1983

Anthony Sorce
, 1983
Celebration, 1995
Double Circles, Caravaggio Suite, 1995
Glowing Presence, 1989-92
364-6-10, 1965
Chartres, 1985
Diagonal, Caravaggio Suite, 1995
Impost and Spring, Caravaggio Suite, 1995
Untitled #60, 1988-9
Four Panels, 1994
Emergence, 1969

Photo Gallery