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Maslow Exhibition Archive Detail

Internship Exhibition: Ambiguity: Layers of Information

Contemporary Gallery, Marywood University, Scranton, PA
Aug 21, 2000 - Sep 20, 2000

This exhibition was the result of an internship program partnered between Marywood University and The Maslow Collection. Jamie Pettinato, a graduating arts administration student at Marywood, working with Bob Schweitzer, Curator for The Maslow Collection, developed the conceptual theme and organized this exhibition.

One feature of this exhibition was the creation of an "information area" (front left) which enabled visitors to read background information on each artist included in the exhibition.

Works Included

Larry Brown, Untitled # 197, 1990
Robert Cumming, Burning Box #2, 1983
Robert Cumming, IndustryBowl, 1983
Robert Cumming, Red Perceives Only a Bulb in the Outline, 1979
Robert Cumming, Small Constellation 3, 1987
Jack Goldstein, Untitled (MP#126), 1984
Jack Goldstein Untitled (MP#127), 1984
Willy Heeks, Affirming Flame, 1988
Edward Henderson, untitled, 1986
Edward Henderson, Untitled ("L"), 1989
Edward Henderson, Vein, Vain, Vane, 1985-6
Barbara Kasten, Construct L-B6, 1982
Barbara Kasten, Construct NYC-8, 1983
Scott Kelley, C21 H23 N O5, 1989
Scott Kelley, Painted for D.I.F.D.U.M.A. 1, 1989
Scott Kelley, Shores of Perth 4, 1988
Karla Knight, Double Half and Hole, 1989
Karla Knight, Full and Hole, 1987
Karla Knight, Study for Descendant, 1989
Sherrie Levine, Meltdown, 1989 (series of four woodblock prints)
Will Mentor, Antietam, 1990
Will Mentor, The Lost Order, 1990
Frank Owen, Stone Study #6, 1990
Frank Owen, Vault, 1989
Jurgen Partenheimer, untitled, 1983 (series of 8 linoleum cuts)
Ellen Phelan, Garden, Amagansett, 1990 (series of 7 photograviers)
Robert Rauschenberg, Signs, 1970
Sandy Skoglund, The Laws of Interior Design, 1986
Andrew Spence, Switch Plate, 1986
Gary Stephan, Untitled (#45418), 1985-8
Terry Winters, Furrows , 1989 (series of 5 prints)

Photo Gallery