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Maslow Exhibition Archive Detail

Painting in the 80s and 90s: Selected Works from The Maslow Collection

Everhart Museum, Scranton, PA
Jun 08, 2003 - Sep 10, 2003

During the late 1960s many critics believed that painting had become "exhausted," no longer relevant - and by the early 1980s painting was officially pronounced "dead." It was believed that Conceptual and Minimal Art of the 70s provided the endgame for painting. The emphasis in the 80s for many critics and curators was placed on photography, installation and performance art, film and video.

But just as the death of painting was proclaimed painting seemed to take on a renewed live as galleries in SOHO and the East Village began exhibiting a number of young new painters who continued their practice while the debate raged on.

The work that was produced during the 80s and 90s can not be categorized neatly within a narrowly defined style or practice. Because of this lack of a prevailing dogma a new freedom for investigation opened up as these young artists explored a wide range of issues and concerns, including process painting, pattern painting, and gesture as well as narrative themes, the environment, and illusion. 

Works Included

John Beerman, The World is Breathing, 1985
John Beerman, Unpossessible Being, 1986
James Biederman, Albanian Tango, 1990
Howard Buchwald, untitled, 1974
Howard Buchwald, Phill III, 1982
Steven Campbell, Young Man Frozen by a Waterfall, 1985
Robert Cumming, Small Constellation 3, 1988
Jack Goldstein, untitled (MP #126), 1984
Jack Goldstein, untitled (MP #127), 1984
Tracy Grayson, untitled, 1989
Willy Heeks, Dome, 1990
Willy Heeks, untitled, 1988
Valerie Jaudon, Smyra, 1983
Robert Jessup, Winter, 1987
Gary Lang, Mirror #33, 1991
Gary Lang, The Wind Demons, 1982-3
Melissa Meyer, Volterra 1990
Melissa Meyer, untitled, 1987
Frank Owen, After, 1982
David Reed, No. 230 (for Beccafumi), 1985-6
Sandy Skoglund, Something on the Wall, 1986
Anthony Sorce, Montauk, 1981-2
Anthony Sorce, Chartes, 1985
Andrew Spence, Switch Plate, 1986
Thornton Willis, Streets of Tupelo, 1984
Thornton Willis, Okeechobee, 1986
Tony W. H. Wong, untitled, 1984
Jerry Zeniuk, untitled #153, 1991

Photo Gallery