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Maslow Exhibition Archive Detail

Collecting at Century's End: Selectionsfrom The Maslow Collection

Sordoni Art Gallery, Wilkes Univesity, Wilkes-Barre, PA
Oct 27, 2002 - Dec 15, 2002

This exhibition was organized by the Sordoni Art Gallery and curated by Ronald R. Bernier, Ph.D. and Karen Evans Kaufer with a catalogue essay by Ronald R. Bernier.

Link to Information: Collecting and Collections (opening night talk)

Works Included

John Beerman

The World is Breathing, 1985
oil on plexiglass and wood
12 x 9

Remember the Whisper, 1987
acrylic and oil on wood and plexiglass
58 x 28 1/2

Fisher Beach, 1998
acrylic and oil on linen
36 x 42

Robert Cumming

Burning Box #2, 1988
watercolor on paper
183/8 x 14

Smooth Mind Suite, 1989
lithograph, series of four
27 x 22

Orbits Down / Eyes Round, 1990
oil on canvas
96 x 72

Jane Hammond

untitled, 1989
27 1/2 x 32

Tuner, 1993
mixed media on rice paper
35 1/2 x 32 1/2

Willy Heeks

Dome, 1990
oil on canvas
88 x 78

Affirming Flame, 1988
etching, screenprint, and drypoint
20 x 16

untitled, 1988
mixed media on paper
44 3/4 x 32 3/4

Melissa Meyer

Volterra, 1990
oil on canvas
80 x 78

X, 1990
34 x 26 1/2

XI, 1990
37 1/2 x 29 3/4

Terry Winters

Schema (60), 1985-86
vinylic, graphite, and gouache on paper
12 x 8 1/2

Furrows, 1989
woodcut, series of five
27 x 21 1/4

Photo Gallery