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Maslow Exhibition Archive Detail

The Maslow Collection @ Marywood University

Marywood University Mahady Gallery, Scranton, PA
Apr 25, 2008 - Jun 27, 2008

Celebrating A New Partnership

This exhibition is the first major installation of selected works from The Maslow Collection to inaugurate the move of The Maslow Collection to Marywood University where it will serve the faculty, students, and broader community in expanded, relevant programming and exhibitions within the new Maslow Study Gallery for Contemporary Art.

Curated by Robert Schweitzer, Curator, The Maslow Collection

Works Included


Bernice Abbott, The Automat, vintage
Jennifer Bartlett, In the Garden #40, 1983
Hilla & Bernd Becher, Coal Mines (detail), 1988
John Beerman, Unpossessible Being, 1986
James Biederman, Albanian Tango, 1990
Steven Campbell, Young Man Frozen by a Waterfall, 1985
Chuck Close, Phil III, 1982
Robert Cumming, Burning Box #2, 1983
Robert Cumming, Small Constellation 3, 1987
Francesco Clemente, untitled, 1984
Sandro Chia, Two Boys on a Raft, 1982
Lee Friedlander, Father Duffy, Times Square, New York City 1974, 1974
Jack Goldstein Untitled (MP#127), 1984
Jane Hammond, Tuner, 1993
Willy Heeks, untitled 1988
Valerie Jaudon, Smyra, 1983
Robert Jessup, Winter, 1987
Barbara Kasten, Construct NYC-8, 1983
Mel Kendrick, Basswood with Clay and Holes, 1986
Gary Lang, Back Out, 1988
Robert Longo, Jules, Gretchen, Mark - State LL, 1982-3
Melissa Meyer, Volterra, 1990
Melissa Meyer, X, 1990
Kevin O'Toole, LW 51-89, 1989
Johathan Pressler, untitled, 1983
David Reed, No. 230 (for Beccafumi), 1985-6
David Salle, Until Photographs Could be Taken from Earth Satellites, 1983
Julian Schnabel, Tod-Cage Without Bars, 1982
Sandy Skoglund, Something on the Wall, 1986
Sandy Skoglund, The Laws of Interior Design, 1986
Anthony Sorce, Polarity, 1983
Anthony Sorce, Montauk, 1981-2
William Wegman, Tripod, 1989 

Photo Gallery